Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Cilantro Tomato Chutney

My sister in law made a very simple chutney - took less than 5 minutes to prepare. I just made it and it is awesome!

4 tomatoes
1 bunch cilantro
4 green chillies
1 tsp of extra virgin olive oil
Salt for taste

Place all ingredients in a food processor - it will take about 1 to 2 minutes to mix all ingredients.

Serve with your fav appetizer or meal.

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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Weight Loss - WooHoo!

I stepped on the scale and I lost 2 lbs! Living the Paleo life-style is working. The only thing I need to do is start going to Cross Fit regularly. Since December, I've been inconsistent. With in-laws coming to town, work pressures, and holidays - it has been difficult. I'm planning on going today!

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Monday, January 28, 2013

Lunching Tips

I have a long commute to work so for me to expect that I'll prepare breakfast and lunch - Not going to happen.  The best way to ensure you are eating healthy, especially during lunch, is to pack ahead of time.  It can be simple ingredients - Remember - Carbs (Fruits, Veg), Protein, and Good Fat (Avocado, Olives).  For lunch today, I had cut-up turkey burger and carrots - I totally forgot to place olives.  If I had, it would have made it a perfect meal and I wouldn't have to drink 2 additional cups of coffee to keep me going....

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Pineapple Nut Crisp

I made a dessert last week from Fast Paleo called Baked Applet Nut Crisp.

I really loved it and got inspired to take the concept and make it my own. I love pineapple so rather than apples, I used pineapples.

Here is the recipe:

3 1/2 cups of chopped pineapple
Dash of cinnamon
Dash of ground cloves
1/2 cup chopped walnuts
3/4 cup almond flour
1/2 cup shredded coconut
1/2 cup coconut oil
1/4 cup honey
Pre-heat oven to 350
Mix pineapples, clove powder and cinnamon powder
Mix walnuts, almond flour, coconut oil, and honey in a separate bowl
Get a dish (I got a pie pan) and oil it with coconut oil.
Place half of the mixture and spread it so it covers the dish
Place all the pineapples on the dish
Place the remainder of the mixture on top of the pineapples
Cover the dish with foil and place it in oven for 40 mins. Take the foil off and let it cook for additional 20 mins


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Breakfast of Champions

For breakfast, I made a super omelet, with egg whites, onions, tomatoes, and green chillies. I cut up some fresh pineapple, and made an avocado dip (crushed avocados, onions, and tomatoes). May I say that it was super yummy and healthy - I got my protein (eggs), carbs (pineapple), and good fat (avocado). Great start to a productive day!!!

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Indian Paleo Living

I'm currently an overweight Indian female. My goal is not just to lose weight but to make a life style change. I've been introduced to Paleo by my gym instructor and it has appealed to me.

Coming from an Indian background, it makes it near impossible to enjoy the food we are used to and still follow the Paleo life-style. Our staples are Rice, Roti (wheat flour bread), and daal (lentils), which are not allowed in Paleo. My goal is to still enjoy the Indian flavors but make it Paleo friendly. I love experimenting with food so this will be a fun challenge.

I've been eating like this for approximately a month and I've noticed a difference. I've lost weight, have energy, and feeling great inside.

As I experiment, I plan to post my experiences, recipes, and pictures. I also am trying to convert my family to try Paleo but I get a lot of resistance, so will be blogging about those fun challenges.

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Location:North Carolina